Marc Marquez MotoGP

Marc Marquez has been less talked about in recent MotoGP races. I don't know if you have this impression too, but he seems less wild, more focused. Why this feeling? There is a chance that the eight-time world champion is already starting to prepare for 2025. And if that is the case, then his opponents have reason to ask questions because he is nothing less than formidable. Analysis.


A much more effective approach


If we leave aside his small mistakes in qualifying, Marc Marquez has been much more focused in recent weeks. He has lost none of his speed, but is in less of a hurry, almost saving himself. I have the impression that he is no longer looking for first place at every outing, which is a good sign. Finally, I might bring out an article I wrote at the end of the 2022 season., just after Marc admitted to preparing for 2023 by focusing on consistency. Then, for some reason I didn't understand, he had started falling all over again, desperately trying to get an already outdated Honda RC213V going. Let's hope this time it's different.


Marc Marquez MotoGP

Can he change, sustainably, at 31? Photo: Michelin Motorsport


His weekend at Motegi was very good. We knew he was strong on this track, as proven by his podium last year with the Honda. It could only be better with the Ducati. I really think that this exit in the green in qualifying cost him both races, because we saw, from the example of Bagnaia, how important the starts were on a track that was so demanding on tyres. You had to lead, not follow, and that's more difficult when you start ninth. Naturally, His excellent projection capacity allowed him, each time, to get rid of his direct competitors and move up. But once Bagnaia was leading, it was mission impossible.

Despite having a machine that was below par, and that no one else could make work like him, Marquez had a blast during the two races. His Sprint, in particular, was interesting. He was meticulous, without rushing anything: this is the Marc Marquez I love.. Sure, he finished third just a few meters from victory, but he didn't try to beat the two factory Ducati riders. That was smart of him. The battle with Bastianini didn't dishonor him, knowing that close-quarters combat is a big weakness for him, and has always been.

Then, in the Grand Prix, he rode alone, most of the time. He finished ahead of "Bestia", which is good for third place in the championship. Clearly, it was a paying weekend (23 points in total), more than Bastianini (22 units), and barely less than Jorge Martin (26 point). This clearly shows that he is in the game, that he is discussing, that he has nothing to be ashamed of, even when faced with drivers who are playing for the title.



An approach that would prove profitable


If Marc Marquez continues on this path, and even more so in 2025, I don't see why he couldn't win the world championship. MotoGP Modern racing puts more emphasis on speed than consistency, that's a fact. Champions and those who want to be, in recent years, are very fast but fall a lot. Marquez's advantage is that he falls just as much, but rarely in races. For a long time, he “chose” his falls to find his limits.. He was never as strong as when he seemed to be making mind-blowing rescues or being in the gravel trap all the time. On Sundays, however, he almost never fell.

This is not the case for Bagnaia or Martin for example. They are constantly pushing, sometimes making mistakes. This leads to the consecration of drivers who do not have high average points per year. Bagnaia, since 2022, has never crushed a season despite very many victories. In 2019, during his reference year, Marc Marquez averaged over 19 points on a base of 25 possible, and this over 21 events.. It doesn't exist anymore.


Marc Marquez MotoGP

The smile is always the same. Photo: Michelin Motorsport


Since Aragon and his first two victories with Ducati, the totals are as follows. Marc Marquez scored 119 points, against 107 for Pecco Bagnaia et 122 for Jorge Martin. That's not all, I've broken down this statistic.

On Saturday, in Sprint, Marc Marquez marked 37 point, against 46 for Bagnaia et 36 for Jorge Martin, supposedly the ultimate reference on this format. On Sunday, Marquez scored 82 goals, against 86 for Martin et 61 for Bagnaia.

As you will have understood, Marc Marquez is there, very close, in the dynamic of the best, and this despite a mechanical abandonment at Mandalika! It is not visible when you look at the ranking, because Marquez took time before adapting to his mount. He is too far away for it to be obvious. Now, he proves that he is capable, without getting carried away, by driving intelligently, that he can fight for a world title against two big clients.


A promising year 2025?


We will have the opportunity to talk about it again, but the context could play in his favor next season. I doubt that Martin will be in the running, just like Di Giannantonio, who will nevertheless be equipped with the only unofficial GP25. I don't see anyone but Bagnaia to block the road there.. And he has shown in recent weeks that he is able to fight with his weapons: maybe not in terms of pure speed, granted, but with his consistency in performance.

The 1000 franc question is as follows: Will he accept, on weekends that are favourable to him, to let Bagnaia go without giving his all to the point of falling to the mat, thinking only about the long term, on the scale of a season? I'll let you answer it in the comments.

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As a reminder, this article only reflects the thoughts of its author, and not of the entire editorial staff.


I can't wait! Photo: Michelin Motorsport10


Photo: Michelin Motorsport

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